Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hiding The Truth In Code - Tax on Everything Leads to War!

I believe in our country, but very soon it will no longer be our country. It will be European styled with a dash of Canada. Tax and health care that make it hard to live.

Two quotes from a Fox News Story. I wish I could say I'm surprised, But now that our country is Obamazied what can a person do. If a person goes against our President then they're labeled racist. I am Jewish, don't talk to me about racist. I get looked at funny all the time. Justice use to be blind. A person was defined by what they said and did, not by what they look like. I long for that way of thinking. Ultimately we are all the same race Judaism doesn't make distinction about race. Part of the tribe is all that we care about, and if you want in no problem.

"National Sales Tax Chatter Draws Fierce Opposition
Now that the federal government is doling out billions in stimulus spending and bailouts, and looking for billions more for health care reform, the prospect of a national sales tax could be gaining some traction."

"The value-added tax, or VAT, as it is called, amounts to a tax-on-everything -- or TOE, for the acronym-inclined. It's a tax on goods that's applied in pieces throughout the chain of production and distribution and results in an increase in the cost of virtually everything you buy."

Well we can all look at long hard days of bad policies and bad ways of doing things from Uncle Sam. We should all get T-shirts that say "Welcome to Canada where health care and taxes are out of control".

I hope the troops get better service than the rest of us. Please Support our Troop in Iraq and Elsewhere.

A Happy Note To End On:

I only have issues with what our president says, when it's bad economics or bad government. I'm sure he's a nice guy away from all the politics. I would still vote again for Allen Keys again to be president, but most people aren't ready for a pro life straight stooter like bad.

Yah's Blessings and Shalom,
James E. Auel

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Funny How Everyone Is Wondering The Same Thing!

Everybody right now is wonder what kind of man President Obama is and what he's really up t0 right now!

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I YHVH search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. As the partridge sits on eggs, and hatches them not; so he that gets riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool." Jeremiah 17:9-11

"A prudent man conceals knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaims foolishness." Proverbs 12:23

"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

Look again at "As the partridge sits on eggs, and hatches them not; so he that gets riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool." Jeremiah 17:11

I know that not everyone will agree with me that our President and the Congress of the US are not getting money by wrong means, but they are. Once again what does Torah say about "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7

The countries that have loan money to the USA will push to get satisfaction, and who know what that will be. China is one of them...

Don't get me wrong I respect the office of President. But like any prince of a land he should be concerned for the future.

Yah's Blessings and Shalom,
James E. Auel