Saturday, September 26, 2009


What most people don't know is ABBA is not just father. Avi is father and Emma is mother. But Abba is fahter-mother, hence all encompassing parent. Father to the father less and mother to the motherless.

"When my father and my mother forsake me, then YHVH will take me up." Psalm 27:10

HagSamach(happy holiday)
Yah's Blessings and Shalom

James E. Auel


  1. I commented on that verse a couple weeks ago also. But I saw it from a slightly different viewpoint...more of the 'no matter who deserts me or is disappointed in me, Abba will be there for me' point of view.

    Glad to see you posting again. Have missed reading your ideas.Shalom, Spitfire

  2. I understand that in Jewish circles - the Creator is deemed 'gender neutral' but it's simply easier to refer to the Creator as 'he' rather than 'he/she'.

    This explanation of 'abba' would in this light, make a lot of sense.

    Abba is not 'word' I would have thought to explore - but I will now... thanks.
