"Today in class we are discussing Agenda Science boys and girls. If you have a question raise you hand and then stand to ask it."
"Teacher is it real science?"
"No it about playing on people's fear?"
"Teacher can you make money from it?"
"Yes Al, but wouldn't it be better to help people."
"I want to be rich and better than everyone else. I will become an expert at this Agenda Science when I grow up."
"Sit down Mr. Gore. I don't teach propaganda and stuff like that in my class."
All Kidding aside Agenda Science is wrong!
Former Vise President Al Gore has shares in a company that will put iron in tho ocean to capture CO2. But that won't do anything good. In fact it's all for him about making money. Some one did research on his Carbon foot print... it's one of the largest one on the planet.
There is a organism that lives in the two top inches or so of the ocean that lives off CO2. It make oxygen from the CO2 it eats. As the CO2 goes up they grow. As the the CO2 goes down they go down. What I am concerned about it that the iron might some how kill off the organism and destroy the largest oxygen producer of the planet...or do who knows what to the ocean when you mess with what you don't know enough about. That would leave us all blue faced.
Poisoning the oceans is far more dangerous. There is already areas of over fishing in the Gulf of Mexico that has caused real scientific evidence; meaning there are dead zones where nothing is living. Shell fish and their kind are the garbage eaters and they are the waste managers of the ocean. By over eating and hence fishing them thus preventing the ocean inhabitants from doing what they are good at. That's not a pie in the sky thing; that's like shutting down a cities waste treatment plant. Sharks are part of that.
It will return given time, but without managing the oceans, which means not doing anything in that case; could be the best thing.
I not an advocate of cutting all the trees down either. But even a farmer knows a pruned tree will produce more. Managing a forest is better for everyone. After a fire some good comes. Interesting how in a managed forest there is less foliage that burns to easy. It must be done carefully. But cutting it all down or not doing anything is stupid.
The earth goes through a 7 to 11 year weather shift. It is gauged by Sun spots. Sometimes it shifts back and sometimes it doesn't. It's not global warming. It's global living. Also every time there a earthquake the earth is changed. The big tsunami in Asia that killed thousands, shifted the earth on its axis several degrees. This has happen a lot in the last ten years.
Why has the north pole cap melted. There is clear scientific evidence of volcanic activity. This would cause the under layer of the ice to melt. That then makes it easier for the top layer to melt. Plus the shifting of the earth on its axis and you have a combination that melts the ice in the north. There is also weather shifting. Some of the sunspot activity can also shift water streams that cool or warm land masses.
As for those who say the earth is getting warmer or we are killing it; I say get some real science evidence, not more of the same stuff. I hate agenda science. I like real science that can't always be answered and can means something you don't like. There is clear scientific evidence that the earth was warmer at one time. It was also more prosperous as well. And as far as the ocean rising...it risen a POINT 0050 percentage in the last 50 or so years. If the world is really getting warmer why aren't we all under water. Again that's Agenda Science for you.
Yah's Blessings and Shalom!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
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