Tuesday, March 23, 2010

While We Were Sleeping...

This came from KAREN HOWES

...health care deform was passed. These intrepid representatives of ours sure keep late hours when forcing enacting unpopular legislation, don't they?

I hope that those of you who voted for hope and change are f@#%ing happy. Another 1/6 of the economy is under control of the federal government (but remember, folks, this isn't socialism).

Wherever will Canadian politicians go now for their own medical treatments, since they come here for that?


first Bush gave us "Homeland Security."

Now Obamination give us "Universal Healthcare."

Or should I call it Obamacare or as Karen put it Healthcare Deform. Either way its just wrong.

Hitler, I mean Obama has now done what is needed to take over the country.

Hitler did both of these things as part of the move he did to take over the country. By the way he did it by German law.

Need I say more?


  1. so when are you leaving the States then? Perhaps it had be sooner rather than later if things are that bad... :0(

  2. The reply to this pushed me to write enough for a new posting on my blog. :o)

    Thank you for making me think! :-)
