Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Obama Care Will Wipeout US Economy In Four Years! O How Nice!

Mass Dem Treasurer Has a Warning For America: We Have Universal Health Care in Mass, If Obama Enacts it on a National Level it Will "Wipe Out the US Economy in Four Years"...Click here to the original source!
Special thanks to Weasalzippers for the heads up. Click for their site!

You know what. President Obama wants to be remembered. O He will be, but not for something good.

I am already concerned with people who have 5 arm house loans the are coming due, meaning the interest rate will go up. Many of them will loose their homes unless something is done to fix the bad loans.

Now the proposed health care will also kill the economy....Hello Depression. We aren't even on the Gold standard like we were in the 1930's. There's no way to know what will happen if the crazies get health care passed.

If the President wanted to do something nice for us for real...He would undo the mess and try to really empower people. He won't do that! He's almost seems like he wants everybody to be worse and the country to be bankrupted...If I didn't know better!

Mercy on us all...if things don't get better.

Yah's Blessings and Shalom!


  1. Hi James, thanks for popping by my blog. Very nice one you have!

    Yep, Obama will be remembered, all right... as the worst president of the 21st century.

    He's doing his very best to turn us into a socialist European-style craphole.

  2. You are right to the point, bang!

    How else can he bring America down. He is a Muslim after all and we are the supposed great Satan.

    I mean maybe he just to smart for his own good.

    I love the quote by Golda Meir. She was Prime Minister of Israel smart lady.

    "The problem with socialism is the eventually you run out of other peoples money"

    Thanks for the good word and stopping by!

    Yah's Blessings and Shalom!
